Friday, April 29, 2011

Treat every employee or customers very well.

 People treat people like they are treated. In order to deliver exceptional customer service (a must requirement for every employee in your organization) you need to make sure the core values for your organization specifically address your commitment to your customers and your employees. Customer and employee satisfaction are intertwined and business leaders must recognize and reward   employees for the value they continuously add to the organization. When things go wrong, your employees need the training and resources to turn your dissatisfied customers, into happy, satisfied, and repeat customers. Make sure you have a resolution ladder in place, so unhappy customers can immediately be connected to someone who has the authority to resolve their issue.     
In order for your company to create and sustain long-term profitability you must continuously develop and improve your customer relations. Treat your customers as the valuable assets that they are.  Periodically conduct a customer profitability analysis and use your technology to customize your products and services to meet your individual customer’s needs and watch your company’s growth skyrocket!

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